
What if you could create your own private haven where you could get away from the fast-paced lifestyle? Imagine a peaceful harbor from the storms of life located in your own home. The simple luxury of meditating is not for everyone. But it’s almost imperative for today’s busy schedules.

Meditating takes you away from all the hectic nonsense that can happen in a day’s time. There are many types of meditation including Zen, Mindfulness, Transcendental, Mantra and spiritual meditation. Each one has its own strengths and limitations and it’s up to the individual to decide.

Zhang Xinyue has written a book called “Create Abundance” with wise sayings, such as:

“An enlightened one lives a life as others do on the surface but it is different in essence for every moment embodies the budding of wisdom.”

Before you begin, set up one area of your home or office for regular meditation. You can design your little space however you like. Include music, candles, items that have meaning to you or whatever you like. You might include a chair or just sit in the floor. Some people also enjoy putting together a special wardrobe for their times of reflecting.

You will want to have comfortable clothing that doesn’t bind. It should be made of soft fabrics. Elastic waistbands are nice. Below are a few of our best picks.

A prayer shawl can be worn but is not a must. This one is lovely though:

This shirt reminds you to breathe each day:

These pants are soft and fit loosely:

Zhang Xinyue has other quotes from her book:

“Creating abundance is a fascinating energy, the origin of love and gratitude, as well as the origin of all matters, including one’s heartbeat. It is certainly the key assistance to all success.”